My first is a baby quilt for my grandniece. What a weird concept, having grand---- anything, since my children are still in elementary and middle school, but my sister has her first grand baby, and I am in the midst of making him a quilt. I have almost finished the quilt top, which I hope to finish today, but here is just a peak of that project.
I am using the scraps left from my shirt quilt project, and adding to those pieces with things left from other sewing projects. The pattern came from the site of Elizabeth Hartman and her blog Oh, Fransson. She has some beautiful modern quilt patterns, this one is called the mod mosaic and you can get directions here...
The second project is a collaboration between myself and a friend from my tapestry group. Rachel is a a chef, turned baker turned farmer. She pays the bills by making amazing cakes and cupcakes (my children want to know why my cupcakes don't taste like hers, I can only keep trying!). In her spare time between raising a child and baking she looks after more than a hundred Navaho Churro sheep. After shearing and sending the wool off to be spun, she dyes it using natural dyes. I am making her a sweater, which we hope will end up as a kit for her yarns that she can sell at the Sheep and Wool Festival at Monpelier in the fall.
These are yarns dyed with black walnut, lovely aren't they? I will knit the border in a beautiful yarn dyed with cochineal which you can see at the top of the photo. I will show you how it turns out when I finish it.